The Leftovers: Season 3, metacritic leftovers.

metacritic leftovers

The Leftovers: Season 3

The Leftovers: Season 3, metacritic leftovers.

The Leftovers: Season 3, metacritic leftovers.

Season 3 Episodes

See all Seasons and Episodes

I typically would not take the time to write a review about a tv series. Despite the many fabulously artistic, well written and acted special series I have enjoyed over the years (increasing better and more cerebral each year I might add. thank you HBO and Showtime as Pioneers and the new I typically would not take the time to write a review about a tv series. Despite the many fabulously artistic, well written and acted special series I have enjoyed over the years (increasing better and more cerebral each year I might add. thank you HBO and Showtime as Pioneers and the new players building upon that momentum (A&E, Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix). Despite the brilliance of shows such as Weeds, Soparanos, The C Word, Friday Night Lights, Breaking Bad, OA, Stranger Things, and now Better Call Saul. none had pushed me to the point of comment to this degree. The reason being, this series transcends normal television in every way possible and forces me to see life through so many lens I would have normally ignored. It's interesting to see how often I observe parallels with my own life and relationships and how hard and **** life can be sometimes. The 'family' here one minute, gone the next. so true and ever changing in my existence.

The "Great Departure's" mystery best explained or better yet proclaimed as the rapture. The rest of us, 'Leftovers' are not only seemingly not "pure of heart and our judgement will continue. As if that wasn't enough, we are expected to navigate our ****, meaningless lives with no real answers and seeming unresolved closure for anyone or anything we lost. Yet, the brilliance is how life finds and way to go on in so many new ways. People form cults, and take power through scamming the weak.. The GR seems as such an example but we learn through time there are seemingly more sinister and we have to see how (if ever) that truly plays out since they have been relatively absent in the first 6 episodes. Human nature and society tends to desire closure, the GR's blatant purpose to force us to remember should be their first worst attribute, but we sense that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As a Chemist, I love the interesting dictomy between fact and faith. The sciencetists are working very hard to show how science can explain all of it away. That is being strongly overshadowed by a world who population largely follows some form of religion. Admittedly, I have always leaned towards fact over faith. This series propellers me to look deeper, believe stronger, and work harder to find the equilibrium that just might tick into place on October 15th in Melbourne. While we know many loose end will remain, one thing is ubundantly clear to me, we have been witnessing pure genius in the writing, cast, and the lyal fans who have "lived" this series for the past 3 years. Bravo! … Expand

Заключение: The Leftovers: Season 3 9.1 Your Score 9.1 Season 3 Episodes See all Seasons and Episodes I typically would not take the time to write a review about a

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9.1 Your Score